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Busey Idea.

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Busey Idea.

Busey Ipsum You gotta go through it to see there ain't nothing to it. The magic Indian is a mysterious spiritual force, and we're going to Cathedral Rock, and that's the vortex of the heart. It depends on your ability to take a risk on eating something when you dont know what it is. Thats why I enjoy eating in the dark.

It's OK to get Rib-grease on your face, because you're allowing people to see that you're proud of these ribs. When you get lost in your imaginatory vagueness, your foresight will become a nimble vagrant.

I wrestled a bear once. A 750lbs black bear. Have you urinated? Have you drained your bladder? Are you free? Because if you havent it will only come out later. I'm giving you some information that your bodily fluids may penetrate your clothing fibre's without warning.

Never dip lower than you can dip. Go with the feeling of the nature. Take it easy. Know why you're here. And remeber to balance your internal energy with the environment. It's good for everyone to understand that they are to love their enemies, simply because your enemies show you things about yourself you need to change. So in actuality enemies are friends in reverse.

I would like to give you a backstage pass to my imagination. This is just common superficiality. Is thats whats so special about a woman? Superficiality with their face colours? Thats an advanced modern oxymoron. It was good, I like it and I beleived it. Man you got a way with using words. Thats like a lariat that does a snake whip on your back legs, I mean on the back of your legs - not that you have 4 legs - and pulls you this way, and thats what that line did to me and I believed every minute of it. Until I looked at the quadrangle that it produced with the verbs used in the sentence.

These kind of things only happen for the first time once. You ever roasted doughnuts? You gotta go through it to see there ain't nothing to it. It's OK to get Rib-grease on your face, because you're allowing people to see that you're proud of these ribs.

Trusted Contributor

That is a great idea. 

Trusted Contributor

Really?! Thanks!