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240Hz vs 120Hz if not using 3d?

240Hz vs 120Hz if not using 3d?

If I do not plan to use a 3d feature on the TV, does it matter if I buy a 120Hz or 240Hz? 120Hz are considerably cheaper.

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- Plasma tv's have better response times than LCD LED or LCD CCFL, which means less ghosting/lag. 
- Plasma tv's have better refresh rates than LCD LED or LCD CCFL, which means less motion blur. 
= Plasma focused field drives > Plasma sub field drives > LCD 240 hz > LCD 120 hz > LCD 60 hz. 
= Plasma works differently than LCD, but Plasma is better. The higher the refresh rates the better for both 2D and 3D.

Depends on what format TV you end up purchasing, but honestly there is no advantage to higher frame rates. Plasma TV's do not suffer from motion blur so 60hz is all that is needed to get the best image "unless" 3d is desired.  

Manufactures are using this higher frame rates as a marketing ploy to get more money from the consumer, the effect does not work. The reviews are negative when it comes to the higher frame rates to compensate for motion blur on LED and LCD Tv's.  

40 years high end audio video specialist