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Are there different typs of hdmi cords?

Are there different typs of hdmi cords?

I have a Hp Pavillion windows 8 and want to hook to a toshiba hd tv. I ordered a 10ft cord and got the 3ft instead but the cord works great, it is just too short. So I reordered the 10ft cord that looks identical with heavy braided outer and has filters at both ends. The longer cord is not working. My tv says no signal. If I switch back to the short cord it works fine again. The seller says they test their cords so it should work They are refunding so that part is ok. Is there a special voltage for gaming systems? I have seen some cords advertised as 1.4v. Why would my 10ft cord not work? I want to make sure I get the right cord next time. I tested all ports on the tv (3) and the results are the same with both cords.

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All hdmi cords work the same. If the 10ft cord doesnt work it is a product defect.