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Do animated movies look significantly better on Blu-Ray than DVD?

Do animated movies look significantly better on Blu-Ray than DVD?

I'm sold on live action movies, but I can't see how cartoon movies could really be improved any further. I have a 1080p unconverting DVD player and HDTV, and animated movies

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Good up-conversion includes 3:2 pull-down detection, line doubling and ...(drawing a blank on the third operation). Most up-converting DVD players do 1 of the 3. Oppo for $499 will do all 3. 

But it all pales when compared to a modern animated movie on a BluRay.


"Yes - 70 years better". 

A modern Pixar movie on BluRay is stunning in how good it looks on a calibrated HDTV. These are often recommended "show off" disks. 

On a DVD - the video format was bleeding edge in 1948. It is based on limits of technology from over 70 years ago. Color - had to be added in later as they did not know how to encode color into the signal so they later learned to send separate "color difference" signals and hoped the television at the other end could line things up correctly.