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How can you tell how old a tree is?

How can you tell how old a tree is?

How can you tell how old a tree is?

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

  1. The age of a living tree is difficult to discover unless you have an increment borer. This is a small tool that drills (bores) a small hole into the tree and pulls out a a core of the wood. Once you have the core
  2.  you can count the rings on it and determine how old the tree is. Some trees have rings you can easily see. To count the rings for some species, you may need magnification and/or staining with an ink dye to be able to count the rings.

here are actually a couple of answers for this question. The procedure used to find the age of a tree will depend on whether the tree is living or dead.

Here's what members of our team said:


  • If the tree is no longer living, you can cut it down. In the place where you made the cut, look for the rings in the trunk. Each ring equals one year. Look closely because some of the rings may be difficult to see
  • Some of the rings may be smaller than others. That's OK. Each ring, no matter how big or small, equals a year.