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Is it possible to hook my DVD player into a projector without any other device?

Is it possible to hook my DVD player into a projector without any other device?

I want to buy a projector and hook it to my DVD player so i can project movies on my wall, is there a way i can do this without any other device?

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Trusted Contributor

It will work but the built in speakers in your projector will probably suck. You are much better off buying an av receiver and speakers.

  • I think it should be as long as there is a remote that connects to the dvd player
  1. the projector should have 3 holes a red, white, and yellow, the dvd player should have three plugs that come off of it with the same colors. just match the color to the hole and it should work but you will need separate speakers. unless its a silent film XD. other wise just put the dvd in a laptop and connect the projector to the laptop.

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