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What Is Causing My Plant To Drip Sap?

Accepted Solution

What Is Causing My Plant To Drip Sap?

What Is Causing My Plant To Drip Sap?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

It looks like you might have damage from borers. Did you happen to see any ants climbing up the trees? Ants aren’t a problem, but they often indicate that borers are in your tree. Borers are a problem. Borers are a larvea, usually placed by a type of beetle into the trunk of trees and plants. The borers cause damage from the inside out, often creating a hole in which the sap of the tree is released. What kind of plant/tree is it? Your local garden center nursery will have the right chemical to kill the borers.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

The plant shown in the picture is turning yellow; it was ok until recently. The soil is hard, and I can’t tell if I’m watering it too much or too little. Some parts seem healthy but others seem to be unhealthy. Please also let me know what the plant is. Thanks for any help you can offer. Paul

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