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Blu-Ray player problem?

Trusted Contributor

Blu-Ray player problem?

I'm ok with electronics but this has me stumped. 
I'm working in camp and borrowed a Samsung Blu-Ray player from a friend to bring in with me since we have tv's in our rooms. It works fine with regular dvd's and have no issues watching them, but Blu-Ray discs for some reason are another story. If I pop one in it automatically tries to play, it comes to a little Samsung loading screen and then I lose picture and audio. The counter on the front of the player is going up so I know it's playing the disk. If I just try to hit "stop" or try to go back to the DVD player menu the screen stays blank, so I end up having to turn the power off. When I turn it back on audio and video are working fine and I can see that it is registering that the disk I'm trying to put in is a Blu-Ray disk. 
It does this constantly but as I said, is fine with a regular DVD. I have tried disconnecting the hdmi cable for a minute or two then plugging it back in while it is playing the disk but no change. I've also tried holding the stop button and resetting the player back to it's original setting, yet again with no luck. 
If you've got any ideas I'm open to try anything. Thank you. 
Oh and I've tried it on three different tv's, one of which being a Sharp Aquos which shouldn't have issues with hd.
