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No pillarboxing on dvd players for 4:3 content?

Trusted Contributor

No pillarboxing on dvd players for 4:3 content?

so i had this dvd player a few years ago which like most players can be set for either a 4:3 tv or 16:9. it could also play divx, and if they're at 4:3 aspect ratio they are pillarboxed (black bars on the side) without having to change any television settings. however, if a 4:3 regular dvd disc is played, it is not pillarboxed but stretched to fill the entire screen, distorting the picture. 

now i got this new dvd player. generally i'm satisfied with it BUT, because it has an HDMI output, i thought as long as the tv type is set for 16:9, pillarboxing will also work on regular 4:3 dvd's. well, not the case. also only works with divx even through HDMI. 

so i wonder, are there dvd players out there that DO support pillarboxing for regular dvd discs, and i happen to have a player that does not? or is that common? 

on my pc and streamer i don't have that problem. 4:3 content is pillarboxed in whatever file format including dvd's.
