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Community Guidelines


Community Guidelines

Hi-Fi Community (Sandbox): Member Guidelines

Welcome to this sample community called Hi-Fi Community. This is a “sandbox environment,” intended for the use of Lithium’s customers, partners and prospects that allows you to take a test drive of community features as a user or perhaps an administrator/community manager. Lithium employees may also use this environment for product demonstrations.


This is a shared environment where several people may be logging in with administrative privileges, so we ask that you follow these guidelines for the benefit of everyone.

  • If you experiment with a feature that will impact the whole community, such as modifying the community-level default permissions, changing the community skin, etc., please perform your test and then change the setting back as you found it, if possible. 
  • Use good judgment when creating test content: keep it clean.  
  • Lithium will refresh this Training Community to its original, clean state periodically. So we don’t guarantee that your work will be saved from one session to the next.  

By using this community, you agree to follow these rules as well as the full Terms of Service for the Sandbox Community. We thank you, and your fellow community members thank you. If you recognize any violation of these guidelines, please notify us within the community by choosing Report Abuse to Moderator from the message's Options menu, or if you have any questions about our guidelines, terms, or policies, please let us know.


Thank you…
