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When is it safe to transplant a native tree?I have a redbud tree coming up in my flower bed. I want to try to transplant it instead of cutting it out. It is very young, maybe 4 months to 6 months of growth, less than 1/8 inch in diameter and about 2 1/2 feet tall.
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Occasionally, we invite distinguished guests to contribute to our blogs and we’re very happy to have Wangari Maathai share her perspective here. In collaboration with Wangari Maathai’s Green Belt Movement and several other partners, the Google Earth Outreach team has created several narrated tours on the topic of climate change in preparation for the UNFCCC’s COP16 Climate Summit 2010 in Cancun, Mexico
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Hi, it has been a while since I’ve posted.. I love seeing new names and comments.. but, this is a silly question… I’ve read where you need to talk to your plants and let them know you love them and so forth and so on… But, really.. has there ever been scientific proof that a tree or a flower feels pain when cut down or plucked?
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The black film you are seeing may be sooty mold, a fungus that grows on the honeydew secreted by plant-sucking insect pests such as aphids, mealybugs, or scales that feed on the sap inside leaves. The water and sugars ingested by the insects are excreted as honeydew, which adheres to leaves and also drops to objects below. Sooty molds are not plant parasitic,
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