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Graphic Equaliser Frequency Settings?

Trusted Contributor

Graphic Equaliser Frequency Settings?

Ok so some graphics eqs (like the iTunes and WMP) one only go up to a max of 16kHz. But what if I want to boost the 18k channel or the 20k channel? If I boost the 16k channel does anyone know if all of the frequencies above 16k get boosted aswell? 

It would seem rather silly to not boost the channel above 16k though?

Same question for the low end aswell lol 

Thanks in advance 🙂

Trusted Contributor

Re: Graphic Equaliser Frequency Settings?

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Most small audio devices and headphones don't reproduce 18kHz+ all that well, so it's not really worth worrying about too much.Also, human hearing loses acuity as we age.But yes, each frequency is the centre point for an adjustment that spans either side. So there's a benefit higher and lower in the frequency scale when adjusting 16kHz. 

There's a good article here on the essential EQ frequencies and how they should be used:

Trusted Contributor

Re: Graphic Equaliser Frequency Settings?

As others have mentioned there is a correct way to use a graphic equalizer so its important to know this otherwise you risk damaging your speakers and or amplifier if improperly used. 

Trusted Contributor

Re: Graphic Equaliser Frequency Settings?

Equalizers are used to reduce areas that are adding coloration, not to boost to correct for inadequacy's of the system or speakers. They are generally used to help create a flat and uncolored frequency responce because of interactions of speakers and room acoustics. 

Boosting like Maniac had mentioned can put the system at risk because your now putting excess strain on the speakers and amplifier. 

There is no one setting for every system, each system must be adjusted to compensate for coloration's in the responce. 

So in other words learn how to use a equalizer otherwise your much better off not using one at all. 
