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Escalate Topic

Trusted Contributor

Re: Home theater in a box repairs?

Things you'll need:

  • Wire stripper
  • Batteries
  • Wire cutter

Try these steps:

  1. Refer to your owner’s manual for troubleshooting tips specific to your make and models.
  2. Check the power supply. The first thing to do if a HTIB system will not power up is to check the power supply to the electronic components. Make sure no breakers or fuses have been tripped or blown in your home fuse box. Make sure the surge protector has power. Of course, be sure everything is plugged in properly.
  3. Inspect the cables. Check all connections to make sure they are securely plugged into the correct connectors. After that, check to make sure cables have not been abraded, torn or broken. If that's the case, it's easy to replace a defective cable. 
  4. Make sure that the speakers are receiving the proper signal from the amplifier and that they are properly configured in the speaker setup of the amplifier. If you do not get sound from one or more speakers, make sure they are connected properly to the amplifier. Try to substitute speakers to make sure that individual units are functioning correctly.
  5. Check the remote. Try fresh batteries to see if that solves the problem. If not, then try to control the DVD player and amplifier manually, by touching the control buttons on the devices.
  6.  Substitute known working components to eliminate parts of your HTIB system that could be broken. For instance, try a different DVD player to see if yours is the cause of the problem.

General tips:

  • Be patient and work systematically to determine causes and solutions.
  • Try only one fix at a time to eliminate variables.
  • Keep a checklist of parts you know are working.
  • If you are using a digital projector, check to see that the bulb is not burned out.
  • Do not open the cases of your electronic components without previous experience. You could get an electrical shock.
  • Make sure you buy the proper length and type of cables, since buying the wrong ones can be an expensive mistake.Use extra care when working with any electronic appliance.

