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Escalate Topic

Trusted Contributor

How to Connect Yamaha Receiver to TV and Sky Box?

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Will try explain as best I can. We're trying to connect a TV to a Yamaha Receiver (RX-V375) and then a Sky box to the receiver to watch it through the TV. We've got an HDMI going from the TV to the amplifier, and we need to connect the AV cords from the Sky box to the amplifier. We seem to have got the HDMI cord part right (it's 3 connected together, one from amp to the wall, one going inside the wall so it's hidden, and another from wall to TV, instead of just direct), but there's so many different jacks on the back to the amp we don't know which to put the AV cords into. Anyone savvy on these able to lend a hand? Thanks so much. 🙂 

User manual if it helps:
