I am using Maya for a while now to create sculpties for my hairdesigns. I still have a lot to learn about the program and I'm having a problem right now.
I have made some fully sculpted hairstyles before and it never was a big problem to me before, but right now I am really frustrated about it:
In Maya the sculpties look really great and smooth, but once they are transferred to SL they get kinda "crooked". They are just not that smooth anymore like they were in Maya.
I tried checking the 'use lossless compression' while uploading, but that doesn't make any difference.
I also tried using way more sections and spans etc to get a more detailed prim, but that also doesn't make any difference when it comes to smoothness.
Here's a picture to show what I mean.
On the left side (in Maya) you see the prims are really smooth and on the right side (in SL) you can see the same prims, but they aren't really smooth on top of the head.

Does anyone have an idea on what to do with this?
Thanks in advance!