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Trusted Contributor

Re: Recommend some wireless headphones?

My Wave DX were also pretty comfortable but they worked on radio frequency (RF), so you may get some interference from other electronics. I've heard other people comment that there's a low hiss noticeable in the quiet scenes of movies or between tracks of music but that it's not too distracting. If you want to go really high-end, I'd say to splurge for the Pure RS 4800's... but you'll have to fork out some bucks.  Good luck.  

Sam wrote:

I'm in the market for wireless headphones.  I would like them to be quiet to someone who sits next to me. Basically I like to watch the Daily Show at 11pm but my wife is already sleeping by then. I would like to be considerate and get headphones so I don't disturb her with the sound of the TV. Can anyone recommend some for a reasonable price? 


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