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Version 25.2 (25.2-release r2502261737) 1ec5a492cd94a2f98a2b4b984b08303bc31e4505 (forums/EscalationSubmissionPage)
[ES read true
ES write true][Node ID: AC9-162-5
Master Node: true
Host: redis-cluster
anyone here know how to configure two DN-S3700 to use d-link cable to an external hd? You can plugthe hd in one of 3700 and access the content on both 3700 through the d-link cable? · Aug 20, 2011
This topic was escalated to Email Message on 12-13-2011 11:04 AM by momo.
anyone here know how to configure two DN-S3700 to use d-link cable to an external hd? You can plugthe hd in one of 3700 and access the content on both 3700 through the d-link cable? · Aug 20, 2011