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Poll on actors What do you think of that actor? Like him Don't Like him Don't care
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Testing reply from different accounts
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Question Question #1? Answer Answer #1.
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Nice laptop article
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TKB for 33 now
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Nice new TKB
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Here's a list of our speaker manuals by Model Number:   Elite EMS900 Studio SX97  ORB 5.0 SSR 12 TMZ 2.0 XHiFi 747  
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YR oaseriuoe oirtuo eirtu aeioprtuoaiertuj aioerut YR
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Question I have a damaged or faulty product, how can I return it for refund or replacement? Answer Please see the attached document for details on our return policy.  
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EXPLORING KNOWLEDGE BASE FEATURES Browsing Navigate to a knowledge base article. (You can get there in various ways; this is just one path) Click the Knowledge base graphic from the top, blue banner. This takes you to the top page of the community knowledge base. You can see all of the top article contributors across the top. These members may have created, edited, or commented on articles. There are many ways to filter the articles shown here using the options on the left. Try a couple: filter by “audio,” and then again by “sound bar.” Clear your filters. Navigate to a category using the navigation in the top left. Click “Hi Fi Products.” You’ll see a “Featured article” called “Grado headphones community review.”  It includes a video, which you can play from the featured article area. Click on the featured article title to see the full article. At the top of the article is a promotional image. You see the article contributors down the right side of the article. Depending on how you’re logged in, you may be able to EDIT the article. You may also be able to tweet this article out of the community. There are also Article options that you may wish to review. Go back to the Hi Fi Products Knowledge base: click on the breadcrumb at the top: HiFi > HiFi Knowledge Base > Hi-Fi Products Knowledge Base. In the navigation area in the upper left part of the page, you can click on any of the other areas of the knowledge base.  The Home theater area has several articles.   Another way to get to articles quickly is to use the “Recent Knowledge Base Articles” component on the front page. You can click “View All” from that component to go to the community knowledge base page. You can also enter a search from the community home page (try “sound bar” or “headphones”) and you’ll see different types of content returned: articles, threads, and more. Creating a Knowledge Base Article There are a couple topics in the Headphones and Portable audio that lend themselves well to creating a knowledge base article from them. Go to the Headphones and Portable audio forum and find the topic called “shure or bose for in-ear monitors?” Choose Topic Options > Start Article. This topic makes for a nice article since it’s got a question and answer with an interesting image and a further elaboration with a video. It also shows how three contributors get credit right from the get-go. You might want to change the title of the KB article to “Selecting the best in-ear monitors” or something more authoritative. Save and Publish the article and view it as a user would Reviewing the Knowledge Base Dashboard To get to the Knowledge base dashboard, click the Knowledge base graphic from the top, blue banner. Then click on Community Options and then Knowledge Base Dashboard. You’ll see articles in various states here: Nominated, Approved, Drafts, and Unpublished revisions. To see the history of a published article, go to the Unpublished revisions tab and click on “Are sound bars a sound investment?” Then click History.  There’s a note that you can hover over for revision3.  You might want to edit, make changes and publish. If you really want to get fancy, you can see how various users with different roles can participate in some or all of the article process. Log in as these users to see the scopes of the dashboard that each can see. (Behind the scenes, there are 3 roles in the community: TKB Author, TKB Editor and TKB Publisher.  Pan and Perseus can create articles. Mells can edit articles.  HiFi_Callie and HiFi_Sid can publish articles in addition to those people with “admin” rights. (Note: all users listed here have a password of lithium)   EXPLORING TWITTER STREAMS AND CONFIGURATIONS In this community, anyone can create a Twitter badge.  Only HiFi employees (HiFi_Callie, Hifi_Sid, Hifi_Josh) can view Twitter streams.  Finally, only Administrators can tweet out or use the corporate account to tweet Viewing Twitter Streams You must be logged in as a HiFi employee or someone with admin rights to see the Twitter streams.  Go to any Forum page.  Click Community Forums from the top banner.  Then click on any of the forums.  You should see the twitter feed down the right side of the page. To view the keywords that are defining the feed for this forum, choose Board Options > Board Admin >    Twitter settings.  You’ll see what’s defined for the “Default Twitter stream search field. Twitter Badge and Twitter Settings for a user To view the badge feature, go to the My Settings area of the community (top right), and choose the Twitter tab.  You can define your badge from here.  To link your community account to Twitter, click Twitter Settings and enter your Twitter credentials.     DEMONSTRATING PRIVATE AREAS IN THE COMMUNITY Example: Developer sub community (skinned, with code fragments) To see the private developer areas, you must be logged in as an admin or as the user “Dentea” (pwd – lithium). You’ll see the “Developers Only” category in the Community Browser component.  Click on it and you’ll see a completely differently branded “site.” This was just done by applying a skin to this category and adding a little. Go to the forum and click on the Macbuild thread.  It has an example of the embedded code feature in the rich text editor.       WANT TO LEARN ABOUT STUDIO? We’re sorry, but this feature has been disabled for general use.  A Lithium representative would be happy to provide a demonstration or access to the online training for this UI customization feature.  Just let us know if you're interested by sending mail to  
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This TKB is a great TKB about a bluetooth keyboard. Bluetooth keyboard and great for gaming and all kinds of great stuff. 
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Question Who are users that we can use to log into this community?  ... and as various roles, so we can see how features are availalbe or unavailable? Answer Sample Users in this Community Note that the password for each of the users listed below is lithium… Superusers •    Pan •    Perseus •    They can participate in TKB authoring and editing. They also have a special rank icon. Hi-Fi Employees •    HiFi_Callie •    HiFi_Josh •    HiFi_Sid •    They can see the Twitter stream •    They can also participate in various TKB tasks Regular Community members •    Will, Ants, Glow, Lite   Blog author: Ely   Developer (can see the private "Developer sub community" which is branded very specially. •    Dentea Admin-lite (has grant for all permissions except Tweet out with corporate account and Access Studio): Gog
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Below is a list of our Amplifier Manuals by Model Number:   Boost 747 Fidelity 737 G6 HiFi 419 LoPro  
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Administrator •    Can grant and do anything anywhere •    Role gives them the Administrator rank (icon and color) •    Users with this role: momo, admin Moderator •    Can perform typical moderation tasks anywhere •    Role gives them the Moderator rank (icon and color) •    User with this role: HiFi_Josh Default Permissions (This isn’t a role, but it is the collection of permissions that users without a role have … most users in this community have) •    Can do everything you would think, including these permissions         Allow user to share uploaded images without prior approval from a moderator         Allow user to upload videos         Allow user to include uploaded videos in posts         Allow user to include externally hosted (YouTube) videos in posts         Allow user to upload file attachments with posts         Allow user to create a Twitter badge •    Users with this role: Everyone that’s not in another role HiFi employee •    Can view the Twitter stream, in addition to all granted default permissions •    Role gives them the HiFi Employee rank (icon and color) •    Can see the private employee boards (if they’re unhidden) •    Users with this role: HiFi_Callie, HiFi_Josh, HiFi_Sid, momo Admin-light •    Allows users to do everything that the full admin role can do EXCEPT grant or use the following permissions:         Allow user to tweet from the community Twitter account         Allow user access to Lithium Studio Advanced         Allow user access to Lithium Studio Basic •    Users with this role: Gog, customers or prospects that are invited to review the sandbox community as “Admins”   Developer •   Has default permissions •   Allows users to see the "Developers" area of the community, which is skinned very differently than the rest of the community. It is set up as a private area that only members with this role and the community team can access. •   Users with this role: Dentea <!--[if gte mso 10]> Administrator ·         Can grant and do anything anywhere ·         Role gives them the Administrator rank (icon and color) ·         Users with this role: momo, admin Moderator ·         Can do typical moderation tasks anything anywhere ·         Role gives them the Moderator rank (icon and color) ·         Users with this role: o   HiFi_Josh Default Permissions (although this isn’t a role, this is the collection of permissions that users without a role have … most users in this community have) ·         Can do everything you would think, including these permissions o   Allow user to share uploaded images without prior approval from a moderator  o   Allow user to upload videos o   Allow user to include uploaded videos in posts o   Allow user to include externally hosted (YouTube) videos in posts o   Allow user to upload file attachments with posts o   Allow user to create a Twitter badge ·         Users with this role: o   Everyone that’s not in another role HiFi employee: ·         Can view Twitter stream, in addition to all granted default permissions ·         Role gives them the HiFi Employee rank (icon and color) ·         Can see the private employee boards (if they’re unhidden) ·         Users with this role: o   HiFi_Callie o   HiFi_Josh o   HiFi_Sid o   momo Admin-light. ·         Allows users to do everything that the full admin role can do EXCEPT grant or use the following permissions: o   Allow user to create a topic from a tweet and to tweet back to the Twitter author o   Allow user to tweet from the community Twitter account o   Allow user access to Lithium Studio Advanced o   Allow user access to Lithium Studio Basic ·         Users with this role: o   Gog o   Customers or prospects that we allow into the community as “Admins”
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ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY This community home page prominently displays the various modes of interaction available to its users: Forums, Knowledge base, Ideas, a Contest, and a Blog. Within the Forums, you can also see the Twitter integration feature in action! The community home page displays some components (or widgets) that summarize items like latest the posts and knowledge base articles, top kudo'ed authors in the community, a community-level tag cloud and more. There's also a "Getting Started" component that provides links into items to help you use this community most effectively. In the upper right, there's also a community browser that lets you navigate the community more like a site map.
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